European Baseball Federation
Stat of the Day
Highest Percentage of Players On Active Roster Drafted By Organization
(Individual Team Listing)
PosPlayerTeamYear DraftedRoundPick
3BLaurent DelaporteVatican City MonarchsInaugural81
PJehan FagerbergVatican City MonarchsInaugural110
PJulian JanosiVatican City MonarchsInaugural910
3BChiel KremerVatican City MonarchsInaugural21
PPamphile PucciniVatican City MonarchsInaugural310
3BKoviljko SeseljVatican City MonarchsInaugural61
2BAlf WegraeusVatican City MonarchsInaugural41
Today's Birthdays
PMitchell KauffmanBEL29May 15, 2011
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Thursday, September 19th, 2024